We CAN Do It!
Gloria Steinem reportedly once said The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist, nor to any one organisation but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights.
March 8 we celebrate International Woman’s Day. Officially recognised by the UN in 1975 its origins date back 200 years to Abigail Smith Adams, first lady to President John Adams who wrote 'Remember the Ladies' letter on March 31 urging that women's rights and protections be considered by Congress when drafting laws for the newly independent nation of America namely, the Declaration of Independence.
It took time for women to achieve recognition and acknowledgement for their contributions to society. On March 19, 1911 over one million attended rallies in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. In 1922 Vladimir Lenin declared March 8 International Working Women’s Day, honouring women's role in 1917 Russian Revolution. And in 1922 China first celebrated IWD, recognising it as a national holiday (for women only) in 1949. Other countries followed suit. In 1980 President Carter proclaimed the week of March 8 'National Women's History Week’, 200 years after Abigail’s letter!
IWD celebrates the achievements of women and is a call to action to advance gender equality. This year’s theme is ‘accelerate action’. The poster above was commissioned by Westinghouse Electric in 1943 to boost morale of their female workers. Painted by JH Miller it is titled ‘We Can Do It!’ and is frequently confused with ‘Rosie the Riveter’ painted by Norman Rockwell used for military recruitment. In those days management sent messages to staff on bulletin boards in hallways and cafeterias. This woman symbolises determination, strength and unity. To me, it is also a reminder that Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. Helen Keller
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
Be the change
We change the world not by what we say or do but as a consequence of what we have become. Dr. David Hawkins.
Every day I turn on the BBC to hear of yet another executive order from the White House. It seems far, far away however at some level the increasing tidal wave of fear and anxiety throughout the world influences our perspective and energy.
When a body becomes overwhelmed with toxic substances, thoughts or feelings, the positive bio-electric field is immensely lowered. George Lakhovsky
The human body is a symphony of sounds. Every chakra, cell, organ, bone, tissue has it’s own resonant frequency. When an organ is out of tune with the rest, the entire body is affected. Amit Sharma
The International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication identified the frequencies of the body ranging from the brain at 72-90 MHz to the liver at 55-60. There are many variables to affect the readings such as environmental, fitness etc and every organ is linked to another. On average a normal healthy body averages 62-78 MHz. Dis-ease starts when the frequency drops to 58 MHz. Bruce Tainio. This is why we feel 'down', 'cold' etc when we are not feeling 100%.
These are measures of the physical body. Dr. David Hawkins was a pioneer in calibrating levels of consciousness using muscle testing on a scale from 0-1000. He identified 200 (The level of Integrity) or above as positive (“power”); anything below 200 is negative (“force”). He noticed an inverse relationship of low consciousness to high unemployment, poverty and criminality. While high consciousness equated to higher states of happiness. His research identified 78% of the world’s population measuring <200 or lower states drain energy, cloud perception and create suffering. While only 4% >500; and even smaller percentages at the higher figures.
500 equates to unconditional love, profound inner peace, compassion, and true joy and is the level at which spirituality starts. Interestingly the same as the unconditional love of a dog's wagging tail, birdsong and a cat’s purr. This is why their presence is so calming and healing. (cat purrs also stimulate bone growth) He states that light overcomes dark and that one individual at this level counterbalances 750,000 people below the 200 levels.
As a sound practitioner I am an energy shape shifter and as my students know.. plumber. My tools are my mallets and gongs, my talent is channelled in the moment to address the energy in the room removing blockages and re-establishing a state of ease and harmony. Gongs are incredibly powerful tools as you know and I believe that every gong player has a moral responsibility to the planet and humanity to elevate energy with the intention for the greater good. I calculate we need 8424 level 500’s to elevate humanity.
The time is now. As Yogi Bhajan said, When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off. I beseech all gong, bowl, voice, sacred sound practitioners, meditators to redouble your efforts to shift the 78% towards positivity, optimism and hope. We have the tools, we have the skills, we have the will. If you don't play gongs, attend as many sessions as you can for as you increase your frequency, you will positively impact those around you. We are the change.
Perpetual Motion
Perpetual motion is the concept that a motion can continue forever without an external energy source. An example is the desk toy with hanging balls that swing back and forth or the Rolex Oyster’s self-winding mechanism, powered by the wearer’s movements. Unfortunately when left alone, all perpetual motion devices will eventually stop.
Oftentimes I am asked where do I get my energy? Like the self-winding mechanism above my energy levels are elevated and maintained on a daily basis as energy begets energy.
The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel, and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results. Anthony Robbins,
I love what I do. Every day offers unique opportunities to utilise my diverse skills and The more you lose yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy you will have. Norman Vincent Peale
I believe that as an energy worker my purpose is to alleviate pain and suffering – whether helping a client sleep better to relieving arthritic pain, every day in every way I serve. Oprah says Energy is the currency of the universe. You get what you give. And Benjamin Franklin said Energy and persistence conquer all things.
Red Doors has come a long way in ten years largely through optimism, enthusiasm, a willingness to say ‘yes’ and to break new ground William Shatner said Energy is the key to creativity, the key to life. Nothing is more powerful than a person with a fully-charged energy. Paulo Coelho
Who knows where the next ten years will lead?
Feel the Love
On this day 25 years ago the last Peanuts cartoon was published. One of the most loved and successful American comic strips of the last century it was first published in July 1952. Although Charles Schulz’s original art work was rejected by his high school yearbook his talent was recognised years later with a star on the Hollywood walk of fame. He drew 17,897 Peanuts strips and was published in 2,600 dailies in over 75 countries in 21 languages. He often predicted the strip would outlive him. He died on Feb 12, 2000 one day before his last strip was published. I grew up with Peanuts and related to their simple philosophies of life. From Happiness is a warm puppy to All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt. Charles M. Schulz
Love someone not because they give you what you need, but because they give you feelings you never thought you needed. anon
Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and World Sound Healing Day. Both are opportunities to express and receive the love frequency.
Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning. Paulo Coelho
Love is more than a feeling. Love is a decision. Action follows emotion. anon
You may reach out to speak to a loved one rather than text (speaking releases the cuddle hormone oxytocin), or possibly share a hug. Family therapist Virginia Satir said, We need four hugs a day for survival, eight hugs a day for maintenance, twelve hugs a day for growth. Or maybe you stroke your favourite pet. In all cases A touch, a compassionate hug can take away our fears, soothe our anxieties, and fill the emptiness of being lonely. Randi Fine
In the words of Diana Ross I invite you to reach out and touch somebody’s hand to make this world a better place if you can.
Feb 2 was Ground Hog day when Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog, is pulled from his burrow. This year he saw his shadow predicting 6 more weeks of winter. Some animals such as bears hibernate during the winter by sleeping to conserve energy when food is scarce and the weather is harsh. We fortunately only require 6-8 hours a day rather than 2-7 months of sleep. During our sleep we elicit dreams.
In a gong bath one passes through a number of sleep and dream states. As you lie down your body relaxes into the hypnogogic state or transition from awake to sleep. In this first stage of sleep or theta your muscles relax and you release stress in the form of rapid fire, disjointed, lucid dreams accompanied by Rapid Eye Movement or REM. These Dreams are driven by a natural tendency to bring resolution and closure to unfinished emotional and mental problems of the day. Carl Jung
They make no sense but represent your brain’s effort to reverse engineer the stresses and sensory overload of the day. Terry Guillemets says dreams digest the meals that are our days.
For what one has dwelt on by day, these things he sees in visions of the night. Menander
Once your brain has attained equilibrium and refreshed itself with nutrients you will drift into deeper sleep. Here you may experience another type of dreams known as ‘cognitions’. These are not random and may repeat themselves until you understand their meaning.
All brain states are relative to each other, waking, sleep and dreaming.
You will REM dream to the extent you were stressed when awake.
You will have freshness in the waking state relative to the amount of stress released during sleep.
You will dive into sleep state relative to how tired you were while awake.
The fourth state of consciousness is called Turiya or ‘true self, it is spiritual or transcendental consciousness. Turiya is the interface between each state – waking – dreaming – sleep and the more we meditate or experience gongs the more time we will spend there. Turiya symbolises pure knowledge, non-duality, and ultimate reality, and is essential for achieving liberation and inner peace. Next time you come for a gong relaxation I invite you to simply e aware of your dreams and the inner silence within. Dreams are the hushing of the bodily senses, that the eyes of the Spirit may open. Harriet Beecher Stowe
Aligning with the Cosmos
This week we are experiencing a remarkable cosmic event. On Jan 25 and for the next two weeks or so eight planets in our solar system will be in alignment.
The planets all orbit the sun in roughly the same flat plane, known as the ecliptic, but they move at different speeds (Earth is 365 days, Mercury 88 days, Neptune 165 years) Thus to have the planets to all be in their orbits on the same side of our sun, within the same degrees in our sky, so that we can see them is more than special. On average the three inner planets line up every 39.6 years while eight every 396 billion years.
The alignment is seen as a moment of cosmic synergy, where the Earth and its inhabitants can tune into the rhythm of the cosmos fostering a sense of unity and collective growth and to manifest intentions aligned with universal flow. How apropos as Red Doors begins our countdown to our tenth anniversary next month.
On Feb 1 ten years ago I took possession of the keys to the bare studio and began construction. Literally on a wing and a prayer driven by determination and an inner voice saying ‘do it’ unquestioningly I anted up my savings to establish the first dedicated gong centre in Asia.
They say it takes a village to raise a child. The studio is a living breathing testament to the dedication and contributions of many over the years to whom I am eternally grateful.
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. Helen Keller
It is true I can do anything but can’t do everything. Oprah advises that it is ok to rely on others to accomplish our goals. I have been blessed over the years with talented hands and hearts appearing seemingly just in time.
Anderson Wong conducted the Feng Shui reading and placed auspicious elements in strategic locations; Jane Chow’s good taste and eye for design created the colour palette and was instrumental as a liaison with the contractors; Makin Ma and I spent considerable time on the brand essence and logo, we ordered everything from the cups to bolsters. The multi-talented Jenny Stocksen was invaluable as my right arm for sourcing my first purchase of 120 yoga mats, moving in, settling, and capturing moments on film.
The planetary alignment aligns us with universal flow, the gongs connect us with this universal sound current.
A ship is always safe in harbour, but that is not what it was built for. Albert Einstein
My passion to share these tools with all and sundry has never waned, if anything it is a powerful as ever. The potential is a blue ocean of opportunities with each day, each email, each inquiry offering ways to make a difference to the lives of others.
In the coming weeks I will continue to share my story – capturing highlights in a timeline on the website.
If you have a story or memory of how Red Doors has touched your life or wish to share a testimonial, please do email me at martha@red-doors.com
The Oroborus is an ancient symbol of a snake or dragon eating its own tail. Known to many cultures including the Norse and Egyptians it has held meaning in religious, occult, and alchemic traditions, where it may represent time, infinity, the cosmos, death and rebirth, the beginning and the end, or unity with nature, the universe, or God. It is also interpreted as a symbol for eternal cyclic renewal.
Life depends on change and renewal. Patrick Troughton
Maybe it is a coincidence that we are about to embark on the year of the wood snake. 2025 in numerology is a '9' year (2+0+2+5=9) meaning endings, personal growth, and helping others. It's time to reflect on the past, close old chapters, and to focus on making positive changes in your life and the lives of those around you.
Stressed captive snakes are known to ingest their tails without realising it. They also slough their skins as a as they grow, letting go of the old to make way for the new. This year I suggest you do too.
It is very ok to outgrow your old self. Wild Faith
for To be born again is not to become somebody else, but to become ourselves. Thomas Merton. Transitions are a part of life, allowing for perpetual renewal. David Simon
As we embrace the new year I invite you to open yourself up to new ways of thinking and feeling. Deborah Day; to Take time for daily renewal to enrich our lives and help us avoid mediocracy, apathy, and burn out. Stephen Covey. You may ask how?
The best way ... is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope. Barack Obama. ...It is our only legitimate hope of survival. Wendell Berry.
Soul Renewal
January is the first month, it is a time of renewal and of shedding that which is no longer of use – energetically, physically, emotionally and spiritually. In Kundalini number one equates to the Soul Body. Plato and Socrates believed it to be the true essence of a person, immortal and distinct from the physical body. It is that spark of life differentiating you from a lifeless mass.
You don’t have a soul. You are a soul, you have a body. Attributed to CS Lewis and others
Last weekend I attended a Mental Health First Aid Course offered by Mind HK. The mental health statistics for HK reflect the growing global trend – increasing exponentially while interventions, diagnosis and support services are not. The road to positive mental health begins with awareness leading to change in behaviours then engagement.
Last night was the first full moon of the year. A time to illuminate your path accompanied with energy to implement plans and strategies for personal growth. This week
Be your own moon. Angie Weisland Crosby
Think about change from inside out, after all we are what we think- Lord Buddha
These practices will nurture your soul:
Laughter is the language of the soul. Pablo Neruda
Prayer is the life of the soul. Madame de Stael
Wisdom is the health of the soul. Victor Hugo
The soul is healed by being with children. Fyodor Dostoevsky
The soul becomes prudent by sitting and being quiet. Aristotle
The soul knows how to heal itself… to silence the mind. Carolyn Myss
Practice any art …. Is a way to make your soul grow. Kurt Vonnegut
Creating a life that reflects your values and satisfies your soul is a rare achievement. Bill Watterson
The Soul is known by it’s acts. Thomas Aquinas. When you do htings from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. Rumi So Let my/your soul smile through my/your heart and my/your heart smile through my/your eyes that I /you may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts Paramahansa Yogananda For Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul on another. George Eliot
Go well, be well and share your inner light
Windows to the Soul
Our eyes are the window to your soul. William Shakespeare
In Kundalini we practice tantric eye gazing – the practice of staring intently without blinking focused either on the horizon, the sun, a candle flame, a photo of an enlightened Guru, into the eyes of another or into a mirror. The latter two are deeply intimate practices as they require sitting not with your thoughts but with your eyes turning inwards.
As little as 10 minutes a day will reduce stress and promote relaxation as your breath softens, your focus and introspection deepens while simultaneously unlocking creative insights. While staring can be intimidating and forceful gazing is gentler and consensual where the viewee feels seen, not threatened.
On Oct 29, 2016 the world’s biggest eye contact experiment was held. Strangers in 124 countries made eye contact for 1 minute resulting in surprisingly intimate and powerful interactions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSLJ3JDIDgY&ab_channel=TheLiberators
For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. I Corinthians 13:12,
Mirror gazing is like looking at ourselves as others. Social neuroscience and social psychology offer support for this view by showing that we use similar brain and cognitive mechanisms during perception of both others' and our own face. Doing so is shown to create a sense of “oneness” between two or more people by lowering the walls between the “self” and the “other.” This practice could build connection and empathy among diverse groups. Eye increases trust and intimacy levels. And it has been proven that the longer you look at someone’s face from the front, the more attractive you will think they are!
This week I offer you a personal Buddhist practice shared by Dr.Martha Beck:
Sit and imagine facing yourself as if in a mirror and offer the following kind words:
May you be well
May you be happy
May you be free form suffering
May you feel safe and protected
May you live with ease and grace.
And as I offer myself these wishes I become part of myself that is real because suffering is part of the dream world while reality is infinitely loving.
The eyes are the voice of the heart - Confucius, the heralds of our soul’s messages - Anon, and the mirrors of the soul. – Yiddish Proverb
And I’m Feeling Good
As the earth turns, we flip the page on our calendar to 2025. Usually a time of revelry watching a clock, this New Years Eve we held our annual gong puja aka adult pyjama party. Thirteen gong players stayed the course to evoke cosmic journeys in our sleepers playing the house gongs continuously for 10.5 hours or the equivalent of 15 - 45 min gong baths!!
Gong pujas were first conceived years ago by Don Conreaux. At that time Yogi Bhajan’s son was very ill so he played him a gong for 45 min for ten consecutive days. His son recovered. YB then turned to Don and asked him how to conduct these ten gong baths more efficiently. Don’s solution was to play them back to back all night long and thus the gong puja was born.
If you visit the studio during the holidays you will notice our Christmas tree brimming with birds. Most of them are the cute fat English Robins.
All birds are believed to be messengers of God. Their presence portends assistance in overcoming obstacles. The reason why the robin has a red breast according to Mother Teresa is because one saw Jesus on the cross with a crown of thorns. The helpful bird flew over to remove one thorn and in so doing pieced his chest, forever to be stained red. Mother Teresa asks: Each of us should try and be that bird – the little robin. When we see someone in pain, we must ask ourselves: ‘What can I do to give them comfort?’ Does my work really mean something?
As a totem, Robins indicate to let go of stagnant things, of new beginnings, of planting new seeds, of hope, renewal, and rebirth. As our puja was coming to a close I turned once again to the beginning of my daily meditation book written by Eileen Caddy who founded Findhorn in Scotland. For January she writes: I was shown a bowl of food placed in the snow and I saw imprints of many birds and other animals around, as they knew they would find food there. I hear the words. You cannot live by bread alone. Come to Me for your spiritual food and sustenance, and I will infill you and send you forth refreshed, renewed and fully satisfied.
We woke to Michael Buble It's a new dawn, It's a new day, It's a new life, For me, And I'm feeling good
We all reluctantly departed wanting to linger as long as possible in this temple of gongs. Leaving with happy hearts, full tummies, increased clarity, inspiration and light. Feeling o’ so good. Sat nam.
Myth, Mystery, Magic and Miracles
December 21 is the winter solstice marking the longest night of the year. For the Chinese it is called Dongzhi or ‘winter arrival’ as it marks the official start of winter. The days will progressively grow longer to bring balance and harmony between yin and yang on June 21. It is also the day the Kitchen God goes to heaven to report to the Jade Emperor on the conduct of a family. Interestingly in the west we also believe our behaviour is monitored as to whether we were naughty or nice by our friend in the red suit.
Sparkling lights, ornate shop windows and the sounds of carols fill the air. Infectious good cheer, long school breaks, festive food and ‘happy holiday hugs’ abound. At no other time of the year are the feelings of happiness, love, excitement and brotherhood expressed so freely. The dark cold nights of the northern hemisphere are rich with mystery, myth, magic and miracles.
I do not know of any adult who still believes in the myth of Santa however we keep it alive generation after generation until the magical appearance of presents under the tree is revealed. One year my brother attached a horseshoe to a fishing rod and plopped it in the snow on the roof outside his bedroom window. In the morning he excitedly said ‘Santa’s been here…’ The truth was out, the bubble burst however the mystery still remained.
Magic is performed by humans while miracles are events that are physically impossible or impossible to confirm by nature and are attributed to the presence of a divine power. The Bible has numerous examples of miracles such as Jesus’ conception. In the movie Miracle (awesome by the way) the USA hockey team overcame seemingly insurmountable odds to beat Russia in the 1980 Olympics. Sometimes we believe miracles only happen to others I think otherwise.
Miracles happen everyday, change your perception of what a miracle is and you’ll see them all around you. Jon Bon Jovi
Albert Einstein said There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. So To live at all is miracle enough. Mervyn Peake
The miracle is not to walk on water or in thin air, but to walk on Earth. Walk in such a way that you become fully alive, and joy and happiness are possible. That is the miracle that everyone can perform....If you have mindfulness, concentration, and insight then every step you make on this Earth is performing a miracle. Thich Nhat Hanh
PS Midnight December 24th to dawn January 6th is regarded as a microcosmic experience of the macrocosm. It is a time to connect and correlate the cosmic and yearly rhythms, to contemplate our connections to our future. The ancients believed the 12 days of Christmas were a portal to the heavens and therefore the future.
‘In the darkness of winter’s night, when the great breath of the Earth Mother finds its greatest point of inhalation, human beings are afforded the grace to touch into both magic and miracle. In the pause between her mighty in-breath and out-breath there is a still point of rest. This still-point has long been known as the Holy Nights. In these blessed Nights, the angels circle the globe as if in a great cosmic dance. They long to speak to listening human hearts. Throughout the ages the ‘listening ones’ on earth have heard the angelic chorus; they have received messages of Peace and Love. What is received during these sacred days and nights, resounds a thousand-fold in the year that follows. In this year before us a great light is striving to find willing human hearts. May we each be the listening ones during these Holy Nights. May we work with angels.’ Claudia McLaren Lainson
Rudolf Steiner, believed that at this time the veils are the most thin between the spirit realm and the human realm. And as such was the best time to set intentions, to plant seeds and to go inward in prayer and meditation. Join me on Dec 21 in the journaling class to receive instructions how to do so during this magical period.
Time Keeps on Slippin
Where did 2024 go?
In his 1890 book, ‘The Principles of Psychology’, philosopher and psychologist William James wrote that ‘the same space of time seems shorter as we grow older’. This is referred to as 'log time'. As we age, a year becomes a smaller fraction of our entire lives up to that point. For a 5-year-old a year is one fifth (or 20%) of their life, but a year to a 50-year old is one fiftieth of their life (or 2% of it) so it seems to pass ten times faster.
The bad news is time flies, the good news is that you are the pilot. Michael Altshuler
While there is no way to slow down chronological time, we can affect psychological time for our experience of time is perception.
In a recent study of 918 adults led by the psychologist Ruth Ogden, 77% of respondents agreed that Christmas seems to arrive more rapidly each year. (14% were neutral on the issue, while only 9% disagreed.) An Iraqi sample with the same question about Ramadan received a very similar response.
Children have many new experiences, and so process a massive amount of perceptual information. They have an unfiltered perception of the world, which makes their surroundings appear more vivid: time passes slowly. Adults on-the-other-hand have progressively fewer new experiences, our lives become more automatic and de-sensitised through familiarity. As a result, we absorb less new information: time passes more quickly.
Time is a brisk wind, for each hour it brings something new. Paracelsus
The key to slowing our perception of time is novelty. Try something new, learn a new language or hobby or change your daily patterns. Doing something new means your brain has to pay attention. When it pays attention, your perception of time is altered. Neurogenesis occurs birthing new brain cells and structures to hold new memories. Other suggestions include mindful practices such as meditation and gong baths.
This week I invite you to Make use of time, let not advantage slip. William Shakespeare
Rather than letting Time slip into the future, allow Time, as he grows old, (to) teaches many lessons. Aeschylus. It is never too late so Hurry up: your dreams are waiting for you, but they will not wait forever. Paulo Coelho
Brain Rot
‘Brain Rot’ is ‘the’ word for 2024. Oxford Dictionary’s definition is “the supposed deterioration of a person's mental or intellectual state, especially viewed as the result of overconsumption of material (now particularly online content) considered to be trivial or unchallenging.”
Brain rot is caused by excessive technology use such as:
doom scrolling – scrolling for distressing and negative news.
zombie scrolling – scrolling with no destination while staring vacantly at screen
video gaming- to the point of losing the distinction between reality and fiction
social media addiction – incessant need to check social media feeds
Not only affecting our cognitive function, excessive use of social media leads to a decline in self esteem falling into the comparison trap reinforcing negative self worth resulting in higher levels of stress, anxiety and depression.
While not yet clinically recognized signs of brain rot include:
Mental fogginess
Reduced attention span
Difficulty organizing thoughts
Trouble recalling important information
Challenges in decision-making and problem-solving
To compound the negative effects one’s sedentary lifestyle leads to munching on ultra processed foods containing memory losing additives such as high-fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, trans fats, alcohol, and high-sodium foods takes their toll on mental and physical wellbeing.
Brain rot doesn’t only affect the youth. According to a Stanford University study adult brains are negatively impacted by excessive screen time of >2 hrs a day outside of work hours. And adults who watched television for five hours or more per day had an increased risk of developing brain-related diseases like dementia, stroke, or Parkinson's. This study found that excessive screen time hinders sleep and shrinks your brain – specifically your grey matter that is responsible for everything from movement to memory to emotions.
The good news is that determined, consistent, intentional lifestyle changes can reverse brain rot.
Start by tracking your screen usage and then set reasonable boundaries and limits.
Delete distracting apps and turn off notifications
Begin your day with no screen time for one hour. Then throughout the day consciously reduce screen time, include healthier food choices, introduce physical activity, ensure regular sleep, and ensure social engaging activities. Another tip if you work on a screen all day is the 20-20-20 rule. Simply look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes of the day.
Other ideas:
Curate Your Feeds
Diversify your media sources
Find positive content that uplifts and inspires you
Pursue Non-Digital Interests such as hobbies, sports etc
Turn off your digital devices at least an hour before bed.
The benefits of reduced screen time will be evident in only a matter of weeks. Isn’t it time to regain control over our exposure to social media and start living as opposed to watching the world from the sidelines? I invite you to start now.
December 10 is World Digital Detox Day.
Now spanning over 70 countries, this global movement encourages the conscious consumption of digital media for our wellbeing. With over 7.5M followers it is one of the largest wellbeing movements in the world. As the WDDD Ambassador for HK I invite you to learn more here https://www.worlddigitaldetoxday.com
The correlations of excessive exposure to social media and links to ADD and ADHD are well documented. Countries such as Australia have written legislation prohibiting access to social media for 16 yr olds and under. Although initially unpopular, in the long run children will learn to socialise, be more creative, and have better problem solving skills.
I invite you today to take the WDDD oath to limit exposure to digital media as well as to practice digital fasting on a regular basis. https://www.worlddigitaldetoxday.com/oath
This simple act can be your first step towards regaining control of your life.
Whale Songs
Nothing compares to the mesmerising sounds of whales. Their whistles, clicks, and pulsed calls are used to socialise and select mates, to echolocate and navigate, to feed and to mark territory.
Captain Wm. H. Kelly was the first person to recognize whale singing for what it was in 1881. Since then we’ve learned songs are area specific and evolve over time. Marine biologist Philip Clapham describes them as "probably the most complex in the animal kingdom."
Songs range from 20 Hz to of 24 kHz (while human range of hearing is 20 Hz to 20 kHz) with pulsing modulations in frequency and amplitude interspersed with silence. Lower, long frequencies travel across oceans and are used for distance echolocation and communication. Higher frequencies are more effective at shorter distances, and can reveal distance to the target, size, shape, speed, vector of movement and discern densities of objects.
Ambient noise from boats has doubled with each decade since the 1960’s, equivalent to 12 decibels, reducing the range at which whale sounds can be heard. One would expect the whales to respond with higher pitches, but no, blue whales are decreasing the Hz of their songs at a rate of approximately 0.35 Hz/year. This is called the Lombard Effect.
These magnificent creatures travel the world’s oceans, some have the longest annual migration known on the planet. Their complex harmonic vocalisations belie a language that we are at the infancy of understanding but never-the-less serve to mystify us.
Katy and Roger Payne released the best-selling Songs of the Humpback Whale in 1970, since then whale songs have been incorporated in human music and are the subject of increased research.
We believe that gongs are the sound of creation. With friction mallets we create ethereal riffs simulating whale songs, where we as the sound alchemist combine the cosmic with the common, the universe with the universal to take you on a sonic journey that transcends time and nature.
Wild and Windy
Last weekend saw me on Hac Sa Beach playing in the hush! Beach Concerts x YO-GA Wellfest in Macau. Our venue was relocated to the beach this year and the organisers spent considerable time and energy creating a level surface both for the stage and participants. What no one could anticipate was mother nature's intervention. Tropical storm Toraji brought massive tidal surge and strong gusts but fortunately little rain. The show did go on and to give credit to the other facilitators and organisers no classes were cancelled.
I am a proclaimed anemophile and pluviophile - lover of wind and rain.- albeit depending where I am - in the middle of the South China Sea on a yacht in T8 was an experience I will never forget lying on the floor of the cabin spread eagled vs safely ensconced in my living room with my cat curled next to me listening to the wind and rain lashing the roof. Being near the ocean is particularly exhilarating with the roar of the waves stirring up all those healthy negative ions.
As a gong player I admit beaches are not my favourite location simply because of the sand. One has to take care setting up and disassembling the gongs. Fortunately Hush arranged a spacious stage where we assembled 9 gongs. Playing in nature to the rhythmic sound of the waves is intoxicating. Entraining my play with the rise and fall, the crashing of the sea, the receding of the wave - the audience and I become one with nature.
The violent gusts transformed the gongs into an array of swinging gates. Joyously you use the moment to collaborate mindfully and playfully. Truly in sync with the rhythms of nature.
Remember Me
Remember me.
As a career counsellor I asked clients to write their obituary. After all, isn't it better for you to summarise your own life rather than have others do it for you? My notes along with favourite photos are safely tucked away with my will. This simple act can save your loved ones hours when the time comes.
Monday is Remembrance Day. A day to reflect and thank those that came before, who selflessly sacrificed their lives so that we may live.
I invite you to take a moment to think of people who played a significant role in your life - it may have been one conversation with a stranger, an inspirational teacher, a chance encounter or parent. Occasionally I receive an email from old students thanking me for a conversation that changed their lives. For me, this is how I wish to be remembered.
One Woman, Two Hands
I was recently described as 'HK on steroids'. Is that purposeful passion looks like I wondered? I describe myself as 'one woman, two hands, inspired by a dream, fuelled with a passion to serve. I do this as a catalyst to elicit profound relaxation and inner peace through gongs, walking on labyrinths and kundalini yoga.'
In 2008 I became a certified professional career counsellor to support teens in understanding the links between their values, motivators, skills and interests to craft a career path towards living a life of choice. Two videos I shared with clients were Steve Job's graduation lecture at Stanford and Randy Pausche's Last Lecture. I highly recommend both.
Life is most certainly not linear, sometimes you hit walls, suffer disappointments and loss. Having a strong identify of who you are, what drives you and why can help you navigate the 'dark nights of the soul'.
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. C.S. Lewis
I express gratitude daily for being able to utilise my myriad skill set to make a difference, to satisfy my curiosity with variety and opportunities for continuous learning. Last week I was in Los Angeles visiting Don Conreaux who continues to inspire by example - who at the age of 90 is still teaching and looking to the future.
This week I invite you to reconnect to your passions, pick up that old hobby or start a new one. Visit a museum, see an old friend, whatever it is to rekindle the get up and go spark that leaves you feeling content and whole.
Spaced Out
Last weekend HK hosted a Space-Out Competition. Yes, truly. Participants space out for 90 minutes, with any hint of activity resulting in disqualification. Falling asleep, talking, or fidgeting all count as activities. Heart rates are checked every 15 minutes, while an audience votes for their favourite. Founded ten years ago space-out was created by South Korean visual artist Woopsyang after she suffered from severe burnout. Part competition, part performance art the event is now hosted in Beijing, Rotterdam, Taipei, Hong Kong and Tokyo. For the spectator it is as exciting as watching grass grow. My generation was taught idle hands were the work of the devil so the mere concept of spacing out and having an audience too is beyond the realm of imagination.
Spacing out means to position two or more items at an equal distance from one another or to become unaware of one's surroundings. (Watch the Secret Life of Walter Mitty to see examples.)
When was the last time you spaced out? Teachers frequently encounter this behaviour in classrooms however doing nothing for many living in a fast paced 24/7 bustling city is challenging at best. Taking a break to allow our minds to decompress, bodies to relax, nervous system to reset is crucial for long term health. Dr. Herbert Benson, founder of Harvard Mind Body Institute first coined the term ‘Relaxation Response’ when the heart rate and blood pressure drop due to either mediation or repetitive movement such as walking.
I am enroute to California to present to the Labyrinth Society AGM. I will share with them my 15 year journey with these amazing tools. Walking the narrow continuous circuitous path is a kinaesthetic activity that focuses the mind instilling a sense of release and mental calm. I am the Asia Representative for the Labyrinth Society and if you have visited the studio you may have noticed the curvy white lines on the floor of the studio. There are also permanent labyrinths at St John’s Cathedral and Star Ferry in Central too. In Nov I will restart regular labyrinth walks and facilitations and invite you to take a break by taking a walk.
Give thanks
Painting by Norman Rockwell
Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings. William Arthur Ward
This weekend I will commemorate Canadian Thanksgiving - historically when we gather to give thanks for a bountiful harvest. Today is Cheung Yeung when we honour our ancestors and those who have passed before us. A time of reflection and appreciation through prayers, family meals and the lighting of incense.
At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. Albert Schweitzer
One way to differentiate between gratitude and thankfulness is that gratitude is a general appreciation of life, while thankfulness is an active response to someone for a particular event or experience.
“My day begins and ends with gratitude.” Louise Hay
There is a direct correlation between living a life of gratitude and overall wellbeing. Incorporating gratitude into your morning ritual will lift your spirits and if done before bed will ensure a better and deeper night’s rest.
This week I invite you to think of individuals who have done something kind to or for you and then call or write to express your appreciation. Doing so you will make not one, but two people happy.
For further inspiration refer to Charles Plumb, ‘Who packed my parachue’
Order within Movement - Plato
Order within movement. Plato
Pythagoras is credited saying Each celestial body, in fact each and every atom, produces a particular sound on account of its movement, its rhythm or vibration. All these sounds and vibrations form a universal harmony in which each element, while having its own function and character contributes to the whole.
On a macro level the sun tells the time, the moon tells the day and the stars tell the month. The earth is dominated by natural rhythms such as the tides, the seasons, day and night. There is music wherever there is rhythm, as there is life wherever there beats a pulse. Igor Stravinsky
On a personal level our circadian rhythm or wake / sleep cycle operates on a 24 hour clock. Other examples of human rhythms at a physical level are our heart and breathing rates. At a molecular level the body is a highly efficient complex masterpiece of nature that is the culmination of the frequencies of 210 types of cells, 206 bones, our organs, tissues, and emotions.
Life is about rhythm. We vibrate, our hearts are pumping blood, we are a rhythm machine, that’s what we are. Mickey Hart In peak condition our bodies operate in perfect functional harmony. Otherwise, we are in need an energy tune up. Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul. Plato
Rhythmic gong playing is a perfect antidote. When we hear a rhythm we like, our neurons fire in time with the music. Thus connecting our bodies and emotions resulting in a realignment of our spiritual, emotional and physical presence.
How else may we achieve harmony? Mickey Hart, the percussionist of the Grateful Dead has created a unique genre of art called Vibrational Expressionism. He believes Everything has a vibratory and rhythmic fingerprint, a pulsing matrix of frequencies we experience as colour, sound, matter, molecules, galaxies, states of consciousness. He manipulates paint using subwoofers and other instruments to create a connection between music, art and the cosmos. The paintings are psychopomps or guides to elevated states of being, to unseen realms turning visual light into representations of the artist’s conscious and subconscious experiences. What I do with gongs, he instills with art.
This week I invite you to take a moment to simply gaze at the painting above. What do you see? How does it make you feel?
Until next week, go well.
PS Take a look at these links to see Mickey in creative action.