Windows to the Soul
Our eyes are the window to your soul. William Shakespeare
In Kundalini we practice tantric eye gazing – the practice of staring intently without blinking focused either on the horizon, the sun, a candle flame, a photo of an enlightened Guru, into the eyes of another or into a mirror. The latter two are deeply intimate practices as they require sitting not with your thoughts but with your eyes turning inwards.
As little as 10 minutes a day will reduce stress and promote relaxation as your breath softens, your focus and introspection deepens while simultaneously unlocking creative insights. While staring can be intimidating and forceful gazing is gentler and consensual where the viewee feels seen, not threatened.
On Oct 29, 2016 the world’s biggest eye contact experiment was held. Strangers in 124 countries made eye contact for 1 minute resulting in surprisingly intimate and powerful interactions.
For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. I Corinthians 13:12,
Mirror gazing is like looking at ourselves as others. Social neuroscience and social psychology offer support for this view by showing that we use similar brain and cognitive mechanisms during perception of both others' and our own face. Doing so is shown to create a sense of “oneness” between two or more people by lowering the walls between the “self” and the “other.” This practice could build connection and empathy among diverse groups. Eye increases trust and intimacy levels. And it has been proven that the longer you look at someone’s face from the front, the more attractive you will think they are!
This week I offer you a personal Buddhist practice shared by Dr.Martha Beck:
Sit and imagine facing yourself as if in a mirror and offer the following kind words:
May you be well
May you be happy
May you be free form suffering
May you feel safe and protected
May you live with ease and grace.
And as I offer myself these wishes I become part of myself that is real because suffering is part of the dream world while reality is infinitely loving.
The eyes are the voice of the heart - Confucius, the heralds of our soul’s messages - Anon, and the mirrors of the soul. – Yiddish Proverb