
The Oroborus is an ancient symbol of a snake or dragon eating its own tail.  Known to many cultures including the Norse and Egyptians it has held meaning in religious, occult, and alchemic traditions, where it may represent time, infinity, the cosmos, death and rebirth, the beginning and the end, or unity with nature, the universe, or God. It is also interpreted as a symbol for eternal cyclic renewal.

Life depends on change and renewal. Patrick Troughton
Maybe it is a coincidence that we are about to embark on the year of the wood snake.  2025 in numerology is a '9' year (2+0+2+5=9) meaning endings, personal growth, and helping others. It's time to reflect on the past, close old chapters, and to focus on making positive changes in your life and the lives of those around you.

Stressed captive snakes are known to ingest their tails without realising it.  They also slough their skins as a as they grow, letting go of the old to make way for the new. This year I suggest you do too.

It is very ok to outgrow your old self. Wild Faith
for  To be born again is not to become somebody else, but to become ourselves. Thomas Merton. Transitions are a part of life, allowing for perpetual renewal. David Simon

As we embrace the new year I invite you to open yourself up to new ways of thinking and feeling. Deborah Day; to Take time for daily renewal to enrich our lives and help us avoid mediocracy, apathy, and burn out. Stephen Covey.  You may ask how? 
The best way ... is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.  Barack Obama.  ...It is our only legitimate hope of survival. Wendell Berry.


Aligning with the Cosmos


Soul Renewal