Be the change

We change the world not by what we say or do but as a consequence of what we have become. Dr. David Hawkins.
Every day I turn on the BBC to hear of yet another executive order from the White House. It seems far, far away however at some level the increasing tidal wave of fear and anxiety throughout the world influences our perspective and energy.

When a body becomes overwhelmed with toxic substances, thoughts or feelings, the positive bio-electric field is immensely lowered. George Lakhovsky
The human body is a symphony of sounds. Every chakra, cell, organ, bone, tissue has it’s own resonant frequency.  When an organ is out of tune with the rest, the entire body is affected. Amit Sharma
The International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication identified the frequencies of the body ranging from the brain at 72-90 MHz to the liver at 55-60. There are many variables to affect the readings such as environmental, fitness etc and every organ is linked to another.  On average a normal healthy body averages 62-78 MHz. Dis-ease starts when the frequency drops to 58 MHz. Bruce Tainio. This is why we feel 'down', 'cold' etc when we are not feeling 100%.
These are measures of the physical body.  Dr. David Hawkins was a pioneer in calibrating levels of consciousness using muscle testing on a scale from 0-1000. He identified 200 (The level of Integrity) or above as positive (“power”); anything below 200 is negative (“force”).  He noticed an inverse relationship of low consciousness to high unemployment, poverty and criminality. While high consciousness equated to higher states of happiness. His research identified 78% of the world’s population measuring <200 or lower states drain energy, cloud perception and create suffering. While only 4% >500; and even smaller percentages at the higher figures.
500 equates to unconditional love, profound inner peace, compassion, and true joy and is the level at which spirituality starts.  Interestingly the same as the unconditional love of a dog's wagging tail, birdsong and a cat’s purr. This is why their presence is so calming and healing.  (cat purrs also stimulate bone growth)  He states that light overcomes dark and that one individual at this level counterbalances 750,000 people below the 200 levels.
As a sound practitioner I am an energy shape shifter and as my students know.. plumber.  My tools are my mallets and gongs, my talent is channelled in the moment to address the energy in the room removing blockages and re-establishing a state of ease and harmony.   Gongs are incredibly powerful tools as you know and I believe that every gong player has a moral responsibility to the planet and humanity to elevate energy with the intention for the greater good.  I calculate we need 8424 level 500’s to elevate humanity.
The time is now. As Yogi Bhajan said, When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off.   I beseech all gong, bowl, voice, sacred sound practitioners, meditators to redouble your efforts to shift the 78% towards positivity, optimism and hope.  We have the tools, we have the skills, we have the will.  If you don't play gongs, attend as many sessions as you can for as you increase your frequency, you will positively impact those around you.  We are the change.


Perpetual Motion