And I’m Feeling Good

As the earth turns, we flip the page on our calendar to 2025.  Usually a time of revelry watching a clock, this New Years Eve we held our annual gong puja aka adult pyjama party.  Thirteen gong players stayed the course to evoke cosmic journeys in our sleepers playing the house gongs continuously for 10.5 hours or the equivalent of 15 - 45 min gong baths!!
Gong pujas were first conceived years ago by Don Conreaux.  At that time Yogi Bhajan’s son was very ill so he played him a gong for 45 min for ten consecutive days. His son recovered.   YB then turned to Don and asked him how to conduct these ten gong baths more efficiently.  Don’s solution was to play them back to back all night long and thus the gong puja was born.
If you visit the studio during the holidays you will notice our Christmas tree brimming with birds.  Most of them are the cute fat English Robins.
All birds are believed to be messengers of God. Their presence portends assistance in overcoming obstacles.  The reason why the robin has a red breast according to Mother Teresa is because one saw Jesus on the cross with a crown of thorns.  The helpful bird flew over to remove one thorn and in so doing pieced his chest, forever to be stained red. Mother Teresa asks: Each of us should try and be that bird – the little robin. When we see someone in pain, we must ask ourselves: ‘What can I do to give them comfort?’ Does my work really mean something?
As a totem, Robins indicate to let go of stagnant things, of new beginnings, of planting new seeds, of hope, renewal, and rebirth. As our puja was coming to a close I turned once again to the beginning of my daily meditation book written by Eileen Caddy who founded Findhorn in Scotland.  For January she writes:  I was shown a bowl of food placed in the snow and I saw imprints of many birds and other animals around, as they knew they would find food there. I hear the words. You cannot live by bread alone. Come to Me for your spiritual food and sustenance, and I will infill you and send you forth refreshed, renewed and fully satisfied.

We woke to Michael Buble It's a new dawn, It's a new day, It's a new life, For me, And I'm feeling good

We all reluctantly departed wanting to linger as long as possible in this temple of gongs. Leaving with happy hearts, full tummies, increased clarity, inspiration and light. Feeling o’ so good. Sat nam.


Windows to the Soul


Myth, Mystery, Magic and Miracles