Doing nothing
Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you. Anne Lamott
Gong experiences relax, renew, restore and rejuvenate. But what do I do? The Dali Lama says every year we should visit somewhere new. I choose a yearly pilgrimage to my roots.
Imagine travelling to the far side of the world to stay in a rustic cabin built by my father on a lake where my family has visited for well over 100 years. Walking beaches that appear magically when the tide recedes leaving miles of fine sand, listening to the refreshing summer rains pattering on the roof while nestled in front of a fire, reflecting on the haunting call of the loons in the middle of the night or getting one's hands dirty tending my pine grove are simple pleasures. Sometimes paradise is challenging - it is amazing how crafty a little mouse can be. Fortunately they love peanut butter. Following the circadian rhythms and playing my gong daily - what more could one ask for? I return content and at ease.
Sometimes it’s OK to do nothing. Izey Victoria Odiase
For the first time I had internet, both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand I stayed connected without driving 20 miles and sitting in a Tim Horton's carpark while the challenges of running a studio were never far from mind. Thank you to Kaman, Aimee, Stephanie, Yumi, Zi Hing, Dorothy and Dylan for ensuring continuity of classes in my absence.
Today I receive the new shipment of titanium gongs and the Paiste shipment as well as new rainsticks and gong bags. The power nap is back and the class tonight has a few free mats when we will welcome the new 38" titanium house gong called 'Rain'.
I look forward to seeing you all again and to a busy fall beginning with level 1 and 2 training in Sept.
Meet the newest gong in our collection, appropriately titled Rain, a magnificent 38" titanium gong crafted by Martin Blase.
I recently gave a talk to Svaram Sound Institute sharing thoughts on shifting global consciousness using sound. In the course of my research I uncovered a number of contradictions and this week I wish to share them with you.
In 1930 John Maynard Keynes said that man would be faced with the problem of how to use his freedom given all the latest time saving inventions. A century later Geoffrey West said that Rather than being bored to death, our actual challenge is to avoid anxiety attacks, psychotic breakdowns, heart attacks, and strokes resulting from being accelerated to death.
80% of workplace illness is stress related. And, mental health is the # 1 personal medical spend globally yet < 2% of government medical budgets are allocated to mental health with 70% of that allocated to psychiatric institutions.
According to the Global Wellness Institute in 2023 the Global Wellness Industry was worth US$5.6T. The US market is the largest at US$1.8T but only 5% of that is spent on Mental Wellness. (including sound and meditation). Life expectancy increased in last 50 yrs (avg 73.4) yet > 50% is in less than optimal health and 12% in poor health.
We live longer, but not better. We spend significant personal discretionary income on wellbeing but are not healthier. Mental health is the root of most illnesses yet our time and resources are spent elsewhere.
The ancients believed a healthy mind meant a healthy body but in the 1800's modern medicine shifted from preventative to curative. Since then physicians diagnose, treat and prescribe. Rather than seek ways to restore energy flows and well being.
I invite you to share your thoughts as to why we choose to detract from leading lives of harmonious good health? I look forward to your comments.
Tipping Point
June 21 is summer solstice, the longest day of the year and the beginning of summer. Starting tomorrow the days incrementally become shorter. Consider it a tipping point in our calendar.
A Tipping Point is a threshold, critical mass, boiling point moment that leads to sudden, dramatic radical change.
Scientists identified 25 earth system tipping points some of which are critical including warm water coral reefs, permafrost, and the ice sheets.
The 3% rule states a small but devoted group of people can bring about change through deliberate long-term effort. But still, 3% is 3%. I am starting with me, myself and I.
Derek Sivers in this short Ted talk illustrates how a lone nut becomes a leader of a movement in minutes. The key is the first follower.
For years Don Conreaux has shared the prophesy of Robert Mueller that the people of the world will gather in circles holding hands and world peace will be declared in 2025. Given the state of the news it seems an impossible. I believe otherwise. As sacred sound practitioners we have the capacity, skills and resources to elicit change on a global level – to shift consciousness towards peace and harmony.
I am currently preparing a speech for Svaram Sound Institute where I will be outlining my thoughts for radical social change through enlisting the talents of sound practitioners (bowls, gongs, voice, sacred instruments) and meditators. A first step is an invitation to consciously set the intention for ‘peace on earth’ for all full and new moon events. As individuals we impact our immediate audience, our intentions impact the planet.
I invite you to take advantage of this month’s full moon and summer solstice to join me in beginning this practice. Share it with your associates and together we will elicit societal change for peace.
Hum, Ho, Hug
May is Mental Health Awareness month.
Since 2019 Mental Health has been the number one disease burden in the world. 50% of the world’s population will suffer from a mental disorder in their lifetime. Women twice as likely as men and the onset of depression starts in the teenage years. We know sub-optimal mental health leads to poor physical health, increased medical spend and earlier deaths. Currently life expectancy globally has never been higher but 50% of our lifespan is now sub-optimal.
Today I share a few simple techniques to pump those happy hormones.
Humming to yourself stimulates the vagus nerve and the secretion of nitric oxide, endorphins and oxytocin. It increases oxygen, melatonin, lowers BP and cortisol.
Ho ho ho - Laughter yoga is a fantastic way of stimulating the release of endorphins and “happy” hormones like dopamine and serotonin resulting in a better mood, reduced pain, lower blood pressure, a stronger immune system, and lower stress levels and rates of depression.
Hugs – They say four hugs per day is an antidote for depression, eight hugs per day would achieve mental stability and twelve hugs per day would achieve real psychological growth. Longer hugs of 20 sec are shown to reduce the effects of stress. Disney has The Hug Rule – their characters may never let go of a child’s hug first. Why? Walt said “You never know how much that child may need that hug.”
Human connection - Originating from the the 7-Day Happiness Challenge from The New York Times Simon Sinek recently shared his 8 min rule. He suggests having a code between you and your close network to indicate you need to talk. It was shown that 8 min is the optimal time for sharing and caring.
A healthy mind is a healthy body. Juvenal
So today, lift your mood, share these practices and see if indeed we can make this world a better place if we can.
Lessons from the hive
The busy bee has no time for sorrow– William Blake
Monday was World Bee Day. These often overlooked insects are essential to our survival for their role in pollinating the vast proportion of our food crops. There are three types of bees - the queen who lays the eggs; the all female worker bees who collect pollen, build the hive and take care of the pupae. And the male drones which number about 200 per hive. Lacking a stinger, their only role in life is to mate with the queen.
Their name describes the sound they make, a steady hum within a narrow bandwidth created by the rapid beating of their tiny wings. Some bees beat their wings a mind-blowing 230 times a second. It is no surprise that unmanned aircraft in the 1950's were named 'drones' and the verb 'to drone' means to go on and on without stopping.
As a musical style droning has been utilized by composers such as Purcell and J.S. Bach to evoke powerful emotions in the listener while more recently the development of synthesizers led to drone based music styles such as ambient and industrial music. This genre continues to evolve with the advent of new technology to evoke a wide range of emotions.
Droning is one of my 'go to' gong techniques. Using one mallet I maintain a slow repetitive tone for an extended period of time to quickly induce a mesmerizing and meditative state. Listening to drones supports relaxation and stress relief, improves focus and increases creativity - especially useful for stress, anxiety and depression. Just another example of lessons learned from nature to help us maintain our inner peace.
The hum of bees is the voice of the garden– Elizabeth Lawrence
With building anticipation I waited impatiently for the last seven nights. My Queen of the Night generated a small hairy bud as an appendage off the edge of a leaf a week ago and since then I have gone to bed each night on tenterhooks – so as to not miss this yearly event. At 2200 last night a gentle perfume wafted into my lounge and I was presented with this flower in all its glory.
Sometimes referred to by its Chinese name, Tan Hua (as in Crazy Rich Asians) or in Vietnamese as “Da Quynh”, this epiphytic orchid cactus is reclusive only revealing its stunning flower at night once a year. In Vietnam it is common to invite all your neighbours to witness this fortuitous event.
The observance is an omen of happiness and because of its rarity, good luck. Its short flowering is a metaphor for how good things don’t last. The flower emanates harmonizing energies to build relationships and heal discord. It attracts abundance and amplifies financial health and career success. (Just like a gong.) In many Asian cultures from India to Malaysia it is used to treat respiratory ailments, reducing pain and inflammation.
Gazing at a rare flower is just one of nature’s ways to share indescribable perfection. Who can’t help but feel a lifting in their heart?
Nature’s Chorus
Before dawn the forest erupts in sound. With a half opened eye I ask ‘why’?
Because it is the perfect time to sing. There is less background noise and the air is so still, sound carries around 20 times further than it would later in the day. This is important if you are looking for a mate or protecting your territory. Some scientists believe that the high frequencies of bird songs stimulate the stomata on leaves to open wider allowing for a greater exchange of air, water and nutrients leading to faster growth.
Birds only sing when there are no predators. When they sense danger, they fall silent. As humans evolved we subconsciously to relate bird songs with safety. This is why we feel relaxed and at peace when we hear it. Spiritually birds are totems for fresh beginnings and it is believed that their songs are a sign the universe is working to answer your prayers.
Ok. It's possible that birds may sing just for the joy of it. Kyo Maclear
A bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song. Chinese Proverb
This week I invite you to open your windows and listen to the sounds of nature before dawn and if you like, join in to. sing a song, sing out loud, sing out strong….
I want to sing like birds sing, not worrying who listens or what they think. - Rumi
Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.- Henry Van Dyke
Wishes do come true.
Wishes do come true. Walt Disney
The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of playing, traveling and hosting. Events included opening and playing at the Healing Arts Festival at the Regala Hotel in HK to closing the incredible At One International Forum and Festival at the Sangha Retreat in Suzhou. A particular highlight was sharing a stage at the grand finale with the unforgettable classical guitarist Estas Tonne.
The diversity of offerings and superb organisation created a sense of community dedicated to taking the world into the future paradigm shift through collaboration, community and a shared consciousness. A special thank you to my three amigos - Makin, Lear and Dylan as well as Fred, Esther, Kevin and the entire team at Octave.
Jens Zygar visiting from Germany led a week of experiential integral gong techniques with a group of enthusiastic cosmic octave voyagers. He shared his vast knowledge of gongs, sound, percussion and performance. Everyone left feeling their skills had been enriched on all levels and look forward to seeing him again.
I am off to Bangkok this weekend to present to the senior management team of a major hotel group. There is no doubt that gongs, sound and the raising of energy is catching the eyes and ears of key decision makers. I live for the hope that they will embrace this technology and help popularise their use so that one day everyone in the world will have access to their transformative power thereby fulfilling the aspirations of all of us in the movie 'wealljustneedtogong' . Thank you to all that have helped me on the gong journey thus far.
In my work, silence gives birth to all sound. We use silence judiciously in our performances as a transition, as a pregnant pause that draws listeners in, allowing integration, transformation and deep listening.
Silence I discover is something you can actually hear. Haruki Murakami
It is defined as the absence of intentional sound. However researchers at John Hopkins have discovered that even during periods of 'silence' during a musical composition, the auditory cortex was still stimulated. (watch here) Simply imagine a pause in a thriller movie soundtrack - you are held in suspended animated anticipation.
Immersing yourself in a sensory deprivation chamber you will quickly hear two distinct sounds - the high pitched noise of your sensory system and the deep note of your circulatory system. Thus we can never experience complete and absolute silence.
Yet, Silence is essential. We all need silence, just as much as we need air, just as much as plants need light. Thich Nhat Hanh
The only other style of music that attempts to go to the deeper place of silence is the music of the New Age. John Michael Talbot
Regarded as 'noise music', the ambient random noises of the audience make each performance unique. Cage was asked to explain the composition and said that unimpededness as "seeing that in all of space each thing and each human being is at the center", and interpenetration as each one of the (things and humans at the center) is moving out in all directions penetrating and being penetrated by every other one no matter what the time or what the space", concluding that "each and every thing in all of time and space is related to each and every other thing in all of time and space".
We experience this in every gong bath. And remember in the Universal Peace Greeting
We are one, let us work together.
The sky is clear, the breeze is light, Nothing ever seems impossible in spring, you know. L.M. Montgomery
Spring is the time of plans and projects. Leo Tolstoy, of possibilities and new beginnings.
Audrey Hepburn said to plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.
Begin with a seed.
Happiness held is the seed.
And play it forward.
Happiness shared is the flower. John Harrigan
Happy first day of spring.
Today we celebrate the spring equinox, when day equals night. The ancients called it Ostara honouring the warmth and light of the sun awakening mother earth. Balance, renewal and rebirth were symbolised by spring flowers, butterflies, rabbits and eggs.
Nine Years On
Red Doors was born in the year of the sheep nine years ago. In numerology 9 symbolises transformation and completion or the conclusion of one phase to pave the way for the next. New adventures, risk-taking and connections typify this digit. According to Hans Decoz the number 9 suggests selfless love, global consciousness, and harmony.
After 9 comes 1, coincidentally our birth date, March 17, 2015 reduces to 1 as well. One refers to a powerful force that produces results through leadership, independence, and individuality. All traits that have served me well over the years turning ideas into reality, navigating obstacles with single minded determination endued with the simple philosophy of serving others.
Our anniversary this Sunday reduces to the single digit 2. Two radiates the breadth and offerings through collaborations, exchanges and trainings. On that note we are pleased to announce the upcoming visit of Jens Zygar, musician, sound healer, gong maestro and proponent of Integral Sound. This is his first visit since 2019 and we are delighted he will be back sharing his expertise, wisdom and skills with us. Details below.
On reflection, I am where I am because I believe in all possibilities. Whoopi Goldberg
The past nine years are filled with memories of people, awards, recognition, travel and experiences. I am forever grateful for the talent and time of those who supported my initiatives thus far.
Looking forward -
The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious. John Sculley
If you embrace that the things that you can do are limitless, you can put your ding in the universe. You can change the world. Tim Cook
And with your help I aspire to do just that.
World Sound Healing Day (Feb 14)
Sound is the medicine of the future - Edgar Cayce
Sound healing is ancient. Didgeridoos have been used for 40,000 years by the indigenous Australians. Pythagoras is credited with a structured approach using specific melodies to address psychological ailments. In Greece, Egypt, and India they introduced singing bowls, chanting, and tuning forks to promote a harmonious environment for the body to heal itself.
The magic of “musical medicine’ will come into its own. The application of such healing potencies will not be limited just to man’s body and mind. It will be an agency for building and healing his soul as well. Corinne Heline
The counterculture movement of the 1960s and 70s laid the foundation for the modern sound bath creating immersive experiences to transport participants into a meditative state. Don Conreaux, my inspiration and teacher, is credited with hosting the first sound bath in San Francisco in 1975.
Music can minister to minds diseased, pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow, raze out the written troubles of the brain, and with its sweet oblivious antidote, cleanse the full bosom of all perilous stuff that weighs upon the heart. William Shakespeare
Last week students gathered from the Netherlands, India, Singapore, Macau and HK to learn, to share, laugh, and grow. On the final day of level 2 (playing for others) students had the rare opportunity to merge modalities to experience the ultimate gong bath. What a gift to give and receive selflessly, a truly memorable and transformative experience for players and receivers. The capable graduates are now empowered to go forth and share their skills with others.
One day he will recognise music as a vital factor in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual evolution of the whole human race. Corinne Heline
Eventually, musical therapists will compose prescriptions after the manner of a pharmacist. Dr. Ira Altschuler
As sound practitioners we take heed in wisdom from Mahatma Gandhi - we are the change we wish to see in the world.
As the eve of Chinese New Year approaches there is a perceptible quickening in footsteps, of last minute grocery shopping and crowds thronging to the flower markets in the anticipation of finding a bargain. The heightened sense of excitement and expectation forms a perceptible buzz. Sometimes it's overwhelming. Time for a destim.
Destim - slang first used in 2005 means to calm down by avoiding overwhelming stimuli. What better way than to escape the bustle and join us for a gong relaxation. Let the sound of the gongs bathe you in their powerful harmonics, release tension with their overtones, leaving you at peace, ready and receptive for New Year's Eve and the predicted prosperity of year of the dragon. You have two opportunities both tonight and new moon tomorrow night to float into the new year with the gongs.
As we bid goodbye to year of the tiger we turn our sights towards the lucky dragon. Typically characterised by its energy and dynamism this dragon portends prosperity on all levels. I invite you to take a moment, express gratitude for your journey thus far, for the people, opportunities, experiences that have led you to this place here and now. Then turn to the future with a peaceful heart and mind, receptive to the all blessings that will flow your way.
Best wishes for a peaceful, prosperous and healthy new year. Go well, be well and get gonged.
Have a break, have a Kit Kat
Is a slogan used since 1957. At that time there was little research to substantiate the need for a break during the day to improve productivity. Fast forward, the chocolate bar manufacturer’s latest ad shares research that proves that by inserting ‘Have a break and then…’ into your ai generator, the results are significantly more accurate. Try it!
Watch here.
In music a pause is indicated by a fermata (symbol above). Its length is subjective and up to the performer or conductor. Oftentimes it is used for dramatic effect, to build anticipation, to signal the end of a phrase or to simply take a breath. During the baroque era it meant the performers were to improvise a short cadenza.
During a gong bath we use pauses regularly. We create an emotional effect similar to the use of negative space in paintings. During this pause which may last anywhere from a few seconds to minutes the listener is in a state of suspended animation. The feeling is that of being taken into infinity, of being frozen in time, suspended on the silence between the in and out breaths. The next stroke of the mallet will either draw the listener further in and deeper or expansively outwards. This is one technique I use regularly to enhance your sonic journey. :)
Baby Steps
The darkest hours bring the most light. - Dominic Riccitello Today is new moon - when the moon is obscured from sight by the shadow of the earth.
A new beginning. And things will change. - Taylor Swift. Gaze into the night sky and imagine the darkness as a metaphor for a clean slate with limitless possibilities. All great beginnings start in the dark … - Shannon Alder Sometimes endless possibilities overwhelm us leading to procrastination, stagnation and inertia.
The chief beauty about time
is that you cannot waste it in advance.
The next year, the next day, the next hour are lying ready for you,
as perfect, as unspoiled,
as if you had never wasted or misapplied
a single moment in all your life.
You can turn over a new leaf every hour
if you choose. - Arnold Bennett
This week I invite you to begin with baby steps. As a child first learns to sit, roll over, crawl, stand and then take a tentative step so too with our goals. Let your inspiration, imagination and intuition guide your choices. Rome was not built in a day. Find a small change and commit to on a daily basis.
You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. – Martin Luther King, Jr. Have the tenacity and perseverance to establish a new framework of habits, behaviours or mindsets. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. - Confucius You may surprise yourself.
From the end spring new beginnings. - Pliny the Elder
PS I recommend watching What About Bob for inspiration.
Shedding Light
In Christianity the twelfth night is January 6. Called epiphany, it is the time when the wise men arrived and the baby Jesus was revealed. In science it typically refers to breakthroughs such as when Newton was hit on the head with an apple thus discovering gravity, or of Archimedes shouting ‘Eureka’ when he discovered displacement in his bath.
Epiphany applies to any situation in which an enlightening realisation allows a problem or situation to be understood from a new and deeper perspective.
The best epiphanies approach their revelations indirectly, through imagery, metaphor, and symbol rather than through direct statement. In short, they arrive with some elusiveness, like insight itself. David Jauss
You can’t rush them.
The inspiration can come in such small ways that if you sit there just waiting for the big epiphany you'll sit there for the rest of your life. Irvie Welsh
They are not logical.
I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking. Albert Einstein
We invite them into our lives.
Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world. John Milton
It enables you to sense creation not as something completed, but as constantly becoming, evolving, ascending. This transports you from a place where nothing is new to a place where there is nothing old, where everything renews itself, where heaven and earth rejoice as at the moment of creation. Abraham Isaac Kook
A new year is an opportunity for growth, learning and change. I invite you to practice an attitude of gratitude, embrace silence, listen and observe. The choice is yours, do or do not. Yoda
If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Joss Whedon
In Christianity the twelfth night is January 6. Called epiphany, it is the time when the wise men arrived and the baby Jesus was revealed. In science it typically refers to breakthroughs such as when Newton was hit on the head with an apple thus discovering gravity, or of Archimedes shouting ‘Eureka’ when he discovered displacement in his bath.
Epiphany applies to any situation in which an enlightening realization allows a problem or situation to be understood from a new and deeper perspective.
The best epiphanies approach their revelations indirectly, through imagery, metaphor, and symbol rather than through direct statement. In short, they arrive with some elusiveness, like insight itself. David Jauss
You can’t rush them.
They are not logical.
I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking. Albert Einstein
We invite them into our lives.
It enables you to sense creation not as something completed, but as constantly becoming, evolving, ascending. This transports you from a place where nothing is new to a place where there is nothing old, where everything renews itself, where heaven and earth rejoice as at the moment of creation. Abraham Isaac Kook
A new year is an opportunity for growth, learning and change. I invite you to practice an attitude of gratitude, embrace silence, listen and observe. The choice is yours, do or do not. Yoda
If nothing we do matters... , then all that matters is what we do. Joss Whedon
Let it shine
Tonight is the winter solstice, the longest night of the year. Many festivals celebrate the coming of the sun after the extended winter nights. We too have an inner spark that sometimes shines a little less brightly than we’d like. For whatever reason our battery needs to be recharged. There is no better prescription to feel energized and positive than laughing for no reason. The first few times might seem contrived, but with a childlike playfulness you soon drop your inhibitions.
Laughter yoga is one of the quickest ways of shifting moods. It was developed by Dr. Kitaria thirty years ago and is now a global phenomenon. Did you know that when you laugh you secrete happy hormones such as endorphins, and when you do so it is impossible to secrete adrenaline or cortisol (hormones of stress)? This week I challenge you to laugh for no reason for one minute, aim to do so for 40 days and notice the changes in your life.
By lifting our spirits we ignite our inner light, we increase oxygen uptake, boost our immune system, exercise our lungs, and have fun – it’s contagious. So take a deep breath and
This little light o’ mine, I’m goin’ to let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
PS I have become a Laughter Yoga instructor this week and will be offering sessions in the new year.
Deck the halls
Christmas isn’t a season, it’s a feeling. Edna Ferber
December is my favorite time of year for a number of reasons, one of which is the annual ritual of packing away the autumn decorations replacing them with festive greenery. Listening to familiar carols with the scent of northern woods in the air (thank you Young Living) fills my heart with memories of Christmases past.
There is a comfort in rituals, they provide a framework for stability. Deborah Norville
The holiday spirit is manifested through rituals and traditions. They connect us with our past and serve as a link between generations. The special meals, the scent of cookies, the gatherings of family and friends give us a sense of belonging, of community and of collective memory.
As we are propelled by the Spirit, the fruit that is produced will be love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I invite you to honor your traditions so that you too can spread that sense of happiness and appreciation for life and the season to others.
Christmas isn't just a day, it's a frame of mind. Miracle on 34th Street
It takes a village
The Art of Peace is now etched in our collective memories. Our mission to transport, elevate and transform was accomplished through an interweaving of sacred sound, instruments, voice, interpretative dance, mantra and movement. Little did Alexander Scriabin know that his concepts survive today as a happening - a partly improvised or spontaneous piece of theatrical or other artistic performance, typically involving audience participation.
Alone, we can do so little, together we can do so much. Helen Keller
The stark contrast between the traditional HK Welsh Male Voice Choir and Kaze Afritude’s raw vocals was striking. The uplifting instrumental by Marty and Penelope accompanied the moving interpretative dances by Rye and Helen. Billy and Helen provided a musical interlude of singing bowls and the seven sisters (Phet, Tata, Aimee, Yumi, Kaman, Stephanie and myself) brought rhythm and energy to the stage. And my dream of creating a visual montage interpreting the concert sounds was spectacularly brought to life by Desmond Leung.
My job as a performer is to make sure that whatever happens in a performance lives in somebody else, that it's memorable.... Yo-Yo Ma
The audience feedback was unlike any we have received previously. They were moved, speechless.
When you make a difference whether it’s through a TV show or movie, that impact is the thing that will continue and persist long after everything else. Walter Hickey. And Once something is memorable, it's living and you're using it. That to me is the foundation of a creative society. Yo-Yo Ma
I am deeply touched and grateful for the dedication, enthusiasm and efforts of all that participated as well as those who contributed behind the scenes to make this concert a reality including you, our audience. Looking to the future – we will be holding these concerts regularly and you will be entitled to prebook as friends of Red Doors, also watch the newsletter for our upcoming regular sound evenings in the studio. Until then, take care,
Remember, Building community is to the collective as spiritual development is to the individual. Idowu Kovenikan
Sat nam.
My cup overfloweth
Nov 23 is Fibonacci day because when the date is written in the mm/dd format (11/23), the digits form a Fibonacci sequence: 1,1,2,3. This s a series of numbers where any number is the sum of the two before it. As the numbers get larger, the quotient between each successive pair of numbers approximates 1.618, or its inverse 0.618. This proportion is known as: the golden ratio, the golden mean, ϕ, and the divine proportion. The golden mean is one of the most recognisable patterns in nature and is expressed in pinecones, sunflowers, seashells, our inner ear, goat horns and even galaxies.
This year Fibronacci day fell on American Thanksgiving. A common centrepiece on the table is a cornucopia representing a symbol of an abundance of nourishment and endless bounty.. Thanksgiving is a time of gathering with loved ones, of expressing gratitude and of sharing a special meal, sometimes to excess.
The original cornucopia was a goat’s horn (a perfect spiral). This goat provided milk for baby Zeus. When one horn fell off it was used to feed Zeus who later endowed the horn with the ability to provide its possessor with whatever they wished.
This weekend I invite you to pause, to Reflect upon your present moment of blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some. Charles Dickens And, If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share. Clement Stone As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. John F. Kennedy