Tipping Point

June 21 is summer solstice, the longest day of the year and the beginning of summer.  Starting tomorrow the days incrementally become shorter.  Consider it a tipping point in our calendar.

A Tipping Point is a threshold, critical mass, boiling point moment that leads to sudden, dramatic radical change.

Scientists identified 25 earth system tipping points some of which are critical including warm water coral reefs, permafrost, and the ice sheets.  

The 3% rule states a small but devoted group of people can bring about change through deliberate long-term effort.  But still, 3% is 3%.  I am starting with me, myself and I.

Derek Sivers in this short Ted talk illustrates how a lone nut becomes a leader of a movement in minutes.  The key is the first follower.


For years Don Conreaux has shared the prophesy of Robert Mueller that the people of the world will gather in circles holding hands and world peace will be declared in 2025.  Given the state of the news it seems an impossible.  I believe otherwise. As sacred sound practitioners we have the capacity, skills and resources to elicit change on a global level – to shift consciousness towards peace and harmony.

I am currently preparing a speech for Svaram Sound Institute where I will be outlining my thoughts for radical social change through enlisting the talents of sound practitioners (bowls, gongs, voice, sacred instruments) and meditators. A first step is an invitation to consciously set the intention for ‘peace on earth’ for all full and new moon events.  As individuals we impact our immediate audience, our intentions impact the planet.

I invite you to take advantage of this month’s full moon and summer solstice to join me in beginning this practice. Share it with your associates and together we will elicit societal change for peace.




Hum, Ho, Hug