Let it shine

Tonight is the winter solstice, the longest night of the year.  Many festivals celebrate the coming of the sun after the extended winter nights.  We too have an inner spark that sometimes shines a little less brightly than we’d like.  For whatever reason our battery needs to be recharged.  There is no better prescription to feel energized and positive than laughing for no reason. The first few times might seem contrived, but with a childlike playfulness you soon drop your inhibitions.

Laughter yoga is one of the quickest ways of shifting moods.  It was developed by Dr. Kitaria thirty years ago and is now a global phenomenon.  Did you know that when you laugh you secrete happy hormones such as endorphins, and when you do so it is impossible to secrete adrenaline or cortisol (hormones of stress)?  This week I challenge you to laugh for no reason for one minute, aim to do so for 40 days and notice the changes in your life.

By lifting our spirits we ignite our inner light, we increase oxygen uptake, boost our immune system, exercise our lungs, and have fun – it’s contagious.  So take a deep breath and

This little light o’ mine, I’m goin’ to let it shine

Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

PS I have become a Laughter Yoga instructor this week and will be offering sessions in the new year.


Shedding Light


Deck the halls