More than a feeling
Peace is more than a feeling (
Using numerous volunteers Dr. Masaru Emoto observed that human emotions resonate between 20-700 Hz with the chakras falling between 396 (root) to 963 Hz (crown). Peace resonated at 600 Hz. It sounds like this
Frequency travels from high to low and it is possible to shift low resonating emotions such as depression, fear and anxiety simply by being in the presence of someone at a higher level.
If ‘One person in the vibration of 500Hz, can positively affect 7,500 people in the vibratory level of 200Hz.’ imagine what a room full can do. Gratitude, forgiveness and kindness are excellent elevators as too toning, sacred sound instruments and coming together with one mind such as our concert on Nov 26.
Raising your vibration raises the collective. And by changing our world, we can change the world. Please do join on Nov 26 for The Art of Peace.
(image Dayton Art Institute)
Peace Begins With Me
Saturday is Remembrance Day, a day to express gratitude to all those who have lost their lives so that we may live in peace. We commemorate it with one minute of silent reflection starting at 11:11
Yet listening to the news one hundred years after the end of WWI it seems as though peace is but a memory. It doesn’t need to be.
Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart. Anon
Peace is not something you wish for, it is something you make, something you are, something you do and something you give away. Robert Fulghum
If you yourself are at peace, then there is at least some peace in the world. Thomas Merton
and it (Peace)all begins with a smile. Mother Teresa
This month my focus is on peace, finding it within, with others and then on Nov 26 sending it to the world. The power of group positive intention exponentially increases the vibrational field and has been recorded in countless experiments to transcend time and place. Book now to join us on Nov 26 for our next concert to uplift and transform the universal frequency to love and positivity.
Only if individuals become peaceful, will the world be peaceful. Sadhguru
You know you are a dreamer when you put your hands on your head (Supertramp) either that or we’re shaking our heads in dismay at the hourly news updates. Years ago John Lennon called himself a dreamer but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one.
The time is now to come together, to create community through harmony.
This month I invite you to our second Mysterium Tremendum – a thoughtful visual and acoustic journey depicting the art of peace. Featuring the renowned Welsh Men’s Choir, Red Doors associates, a variety of musicians, gongs and interpretative dance we will weave a tale towards inner peace and outer balance transcending time and space. Book at
Bang a gong
When angry count to four, when very angry, swear. Mark Twain
Anger management techniques include screaming in private, listening to angry music, physical activity, journaling or painting, meditation or yoga, walking away, time out, humour, verbalizing it and lastly destroying physical representations safely.
The Rubin Museum in NY and London has an exhibit called the Mandala Lab that delves into the power of difficult emotions and how to turn them into positive ones. The exhibit consists of 4 quadrants based on a Tibetan mandala, each representing an emotion with an activity to transform it. In the anger section of the space, sound in the form of a gong orchestra is used. Here visitors strike a gong to represent expressed anger and as the gong is lowered into water, watch the anger dissipate as the sound fades and the water stills.
Take a look at famed deaf percussionist Dame Evelyn Glennie expressively playing the gongs
Another approach is to use science to send a baseball at 1189mph into a gong (skip to 13:35)
Personally I would rather punch a pillow or go for a swim and would never risk damaging my sacred tools of transformation as anger management tools. Whichever method you choose, remember that Letting go gives us freedom and freedom is the only condition for happiness. Thich Nhat Hahn
Be the light
When asked what kept him going actor Jeff Goldman responded with a quote from George Bernard Shaw -
This is the true joy in life, being used for a purpose. Being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote iself to making you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it what I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.
What about you?
Balance, Harmony and Gongs
Up to now wellbeing defined by Gallup fell into five categories: physical, emotional, career, financial and social. Now, for the first time ever their latest report adopts a 'harmonic' view of wellbeing by measuring balance, harmony, inner peace and contentment. Of 140 countries surveyed 80% of respondents felt harmony most of the time. While only 60% felt balanced. This later figure is interesting because 4 out of 10 people walking the planet are thought to be suffering from one form or another of mental illness. It is not a far leap to the unsubstantiated conclusion that a lack of balance in one's life equates to one's mental state. Imbalance causes stress, stress causes dis-ease and eventually illness.
Allopathic medicine is based on dualism or the clear separation of mind and body. The solution is generally prescriptive assuming something needs to be fixed from the outside. However transformation occurs within, to bring forth the healing, the sense of wholeness of what is already there.
As a catalyst I elicit change from the inside out by releasing tension and energetic blockages and relaxing the entire body leaving a sense of renewal, optimism and positivity. For me this research validates the need for practices to return to one's centre and equilibrium. In Kundalini yoga we speak of the three minds - negative or the reptilian mind that serves to protect; the positive and the neutral. Only in the neutral may we objectively review options and choose to respond rather than react.
How to find neutrality when we are immersed in chaos? Visit us to practice kundalini yoga, walk the circuitous path of the labyrinth or recline in the sound waves of a gong bath. We are here to serve you.
Up to now wellbeing defined by Gallup fell into five categories: physical, emotional, career, financial and social. Now, for the first time ever their latest report adopts a 'harmonic' view of wellbeing by measuring balance, harmony, inner peace and contentment. Of 140 countries surveyed 80% of respondents felt harmony most of the time. While only 60% felt balanced. This later figure is interesting because 4 out of 10 people walking the planet are thought to be suffering from one form or another of mental illness. It is not a far leap to the unsubstantiated conclusion that a lack of balance in one's life equates to one's mental state. Imbalance causes stress, stress causes dis-ease and eventually illness.
Allopathic medicine is based on dualism or the clear separation of mind and body. The solution is generally prescriptive assuming something needs to be fixed from the outside. However transformation occurs within, to bring forth the healing, the sense of wholeness of what is already there.
As a catalyst I elicit change from the inside out by releasing tension and energetic blockages and relaxing the entire body leaving a sense of renewal, optimism and positivity. For me this research validates the need for practices to return to one's centre and equilibrium. In Kundalini yoga we speak of the three minds - negative or the reptilian mind that serves to protect; the positive and the neutral. Only in the neutral may we objectively review options and choose to respond rather than react.
How to find neutrality when we are immersed in chaos? Visit us to practice kundalini yoga, walk the circuitous path of the labyrinth or recline in the sound waves of a gong bath. We are here to serve you.