
Meet the newest gong in our collection, appropriately titled Rain, a magnificent 38" titanium gong crafted by Martin Blase.

I recently gave a talk to Svaram Sound Institute sharing thoughts on shifting global consciousness using sound.  In the course of my research I uncovered a number of contradictions and this week I wish to share them with you.

In 1930 John Maynard Keynes said that man would be faced with the problem of how to use his freedom given all the latest time saving inventions.  A century later Geoffrey West said that Rather than being bored to death, our actual challenge is to avoid anxiety attacks, psychotic breakdowns, heart attacks, and strokes resulting from being accelerated to death.

80% of workplace illness is stress related. And, mental health is the # 1 personal medical spend globally yet  < 2% of government medical budgets are allocated to mental health with 70% of that allocated to psychiatric institutions.

According to the Global Wellness Institute in 2023 the Global Wellness Industry was worth US$5.6T. The US market is the largest at US$1.8T but only 5% of that is spent on Mental Wellness. (including sound and meditation). Life expectancy increased in last 50 yrs (avg 73.4)  yet  > 50% is in less than optimal health and 12% in poor health.

We live longer, but not better.  We spend significant personal discretionary income on wellbeing but are not healthier.  Mental health is the root of most illnesses yet our time and resources are spent elsewhere.

The ancients believed a healthy mind meant a healthy body but in the 1800's modern medicine shifted from preventative to curative.  Since then physicians diagnose, treat and prescribe.  Rather than seek ways to restore energy flows and well being.

I invite you to share your thoughts as to why we choose to detract from leading lives of harmonious good health? I look forward to your comments.


Doing nothing


Tipping Point