Altered States

The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness. Lao Tsu

Altered States was a 1980’s movie featuring William Hurt as a pychopathologist who experiments on himself under the influence of hallucinogens in a sensory deprivation tank. He elicited altered states of consciousness with unexpected results. If you don’t have access to a SDT then you may induce ASC by any of the following means:

·       Pathological (Epilepsy, brain damage)

·       Pharmacological (psychoactive substances/hallucinogens)

·       Physical and physiological (infections, sleep deprivation, fasting and sex)

·       Psychological (music, meditation, hypnosis)

·       Spontaneous (day-dreaming and near death experience)

 At Red Doors rather than immersing ourselves in a water tank we bathe in a symphony of vibrations that entrain our brainwaves to shift us into various states -

·       Beta or awake state, slipping into a

·       Hypnagogic state (the transitional state between waking and sleeping)

·       Lucid dreaming (we say being ‘awake within a dream’) or Theta

·       Out-of-the-body experience (your conscious self is not bounded by your physical body)

·       Hypnopompic state (the transitional state between sleeping and waking)

·       Returning to Beta / awake

The rich mix of sounds creates a plasmic vibratory soup, resonating every molecule within the sonic envelope.  The intensity of sounds induces profound relaxation where you are hyper aware and receptive; our brain is entrained with the frequencies around us.

Some experience visions, memories, or feelings of profound interconnectedness with all of creation. Others, feel light, expansive, or deep peace and tranquillity. Each experience is unique to each participant. An element shared universally is a sense of being transported beyond the confines of the egoic mind into the boundless expanse of the soul. 

Now imagine combining the power of sound with the power of suggestion. To have a qualified guide to gently lead our subconscious to a personal goal using imagery, queries and intentions.  Next week on the eve of the full blue moon we are delighted to collaborate with Aldo Privileggi, Holistic Healer and Hypnotherapist.  Author and internationally sought after practitioner of 11 years who facilitates private and group events to release subconscious energetic blocks creating a sense of ease and wellness. This represents the first collaboration of its kind, combining two powerful practices to uplift, release and embrace the sense of oneness with oneself and the universe. We hope to see you.


Awake in a dream


Lion’s Gate - 8-8-8