Awake in a dream

image of a human iris taken by Marc and Phoebe Aviles)

Dormiveglia is an Italian word that neatly describes the state when you are no longer awake but not completely asleep. It is a compound of dormi meaning ‘sleep’ and veglia meaning ‘wake’ and perfectly describes theta or lucid dream state.  Dormiveglia is the ‘magic time  between sleeping and waking (or vice versa)… when you grasp the tail-end of dreams with your fingertips and enjoy the warmth of your bed, content to just be. George Orwell’s Italian version of 1984  describes it as being suspended in a fantastic half-sleep that kept him from opening his eyes.

 During a gong relaxation the powerful vibrations of the gongs induce this state of nothingness. Some describe it as bliss, some feel as though they are floating outside or disconnected from their physical body, Theta is the most important sleep state for the rejuvenation of the brain, removal of its toxins and waste, and the deletion of unnecessary sensory input. It is like pressing RESET.

 We have >6M sensory receptors in the body, 70% are in the eyes.  The brain receives about 11M bits of information every second during our waking day however we can only pay attention to 70-80 BPS. It is no wonder so many suffer from sensory overload that manifests as autistic like symptoms when we are simply overwhelmed.

One of the best ways to rebalance or recalibrate is to elicit lucid dream state often. Even a short weekly power nap with the gongs will result in improved sleep, decreased stress and improved overall wellbeing in a just few weeks.  So what is stopping you? 


A Life that Matters


Altered States