Lion’s Gate - 8-8-8

Today is Lion's Gate, a yearly spiritual and astrological event when the star Sirius is halfway through the constellation of Leo.  Sirius is known as the 'spiritual sun' because it is the brightest star in the night sky and has the attributes of Jupiter being growth and wisdom, and of Mars, known for determination and ambition. 

On this day, the Sun, earth, Sirius and Orion's Belt align with the pyramids of Giza creating a cosmic portal for manifestation and change.  Orion is affiliated to the Egyptian God Osiris, and Sirius to the Goddess Isis, both creators of the universe and for whom the pyramids were built.  It's believed there are two lions sitting in front of the pyramids, at the entrance of this portal.

In numerology eight represents luck, prosperity and positive energy, strength and determination/ power - just like the lion. Turned on its side, the infinity symbol denotes the boundless disposition of the Universe. Repeated numbers magnify In this case 888 is associated with abundance, success, and financial prosperity. 

Coming in the same week as a new moon creates a perfect opportunity to set your intentions. This is a time for a re-birth of your true self. To align your actions to your heart's desires.  To choose a path and walk it. Go well.


Altered States


Doing nothing