A Life that Matters

Intention derives from the Latin in- ‘towards’ + tendere ‘stretch’.  It means an aim, course of action or plan. It also refers to the healing process when the edges of a wound are brought together leaving minimal scaring.

Currently I am reading The Power of Eight by Lynne McTaggart who conducted years of research into the power of group intention. The phenomenal results for the intended as well as the intendees / senders is nothing less than gobsmacking. (future newsletter!)

Jonathan Goldman states that ‘sound + intention = impact’

As a gong player I always begin with an intention and invite the receivers to do so too.  This is the difference between a ho hum, pleasant experience vs deeply profound personal transformation. 

Wayne Dyer said,  Our intention creates our reality.

And Intention + action = outcomes

Intention without action passes the time.

Imagine for a moment if one person can inspire a second person to be intentional, and another. Those people can work together and can become a movement. They can make an impact. John C. Maxwell And if we intentionally use our everyday life to bring about positive change in the lives of others, you begin to live a life that matters. John C. Maxwell

Isn’t that our ultimate purpose on mother earth?

read the poem - https://www.poeticexpressions.co.uk/a-life-that-matters/


The Breakfast of Champions


Awake in a dream