Balance, Harmony and Gongs

Up to now wellbeing defined by Gallup fell into five categories: physical, emotional, career, financial and social. Now, for the first time ever their latest report adopts a 'harmonic' view of wellbeing by measuring balance, harmony, inner peace and contentment.  Of 140 countries surveyed 80% of respondents felt harmony most of the time.  While only 60% felt balanced.  This later figure is interesting because 4 out of 10 people walking the planet are thought to be suffering from one form or another of mental illness.  It is not a far leap to the unsubstantiated conclusion that a lack of balance in one's life equates to one's mental state.  Imbalance causes stress, stress causes dis-ease and eventually illness.   

Allopathic medicine is based on dualism or the clear separation of mind and body. The solution is generally prescriptive assuming something needs to be fixed from the outside.  However transformation occurs within, to bring forth the healing, the sense of wholeness of what is already there.  

As a catalyst I elicit change from the inside out by releasing tension and energetic blockages and relaxing the entire body leaving a sense of renewal, optimism and positivity.   For me this research validates the need for practices to return to one's centre and equilibrium.  In Kundalini yoga we speak of the three minds - negative or the reptilian mind that serves to protect; the positive and the neutral. Only in the neutral may we objectively review options and choose to respond rather than react.

How to find neutrality when we are immersed in chaos?  Visit us to practice kundalini yoga, walk the circuitous path of the labyrinth or recline in the sound waves of a gong bath.  We are here to serve you.


Be the light